You don't have to uproot your life to attend Bible college
MCC has fully online programs designed to immerse you in the Gospel and prepare you to serve wherever God calls you with a focus on making disciples.
Anywhere, Anytime Learning
Take courses entirely online with MCC, with a mixture of readings, discussion posts, and assignments within the weekly schedule.
Small Class Sizes
Interact with instructors and students across the world through discussion posts based on class readings and assignments.
Disciple Making Focus
Jesus' command to "go make disciples" is the simplest and most effective ministry method. Learn relational ministry the way Jesus did and change the culture of the modern church!

Training Christians since 1960
We exist to biblical educate and equip people to become disciples of Jesus who make disciples - anywhere in the world.

Hear how MCC is helping Christians
learn biblical foundations and gain
confidence making disciples of Christ.

“The bursary helped me by knocking down the financial barriers of a masters program making it possible for me to take a course and help further my ministry!"
Nathan Shelton, KY
Master of Arts in Disciple Making & Ministry Leadership
"My favorite thing about online learning is the flexibility of time it offers. I can work on my lessons any time of the day, read and write and engage in class discussions, a perfect environment for me."
Lilet Alcos
Small Group Leader
Halifax, NS

Our Team
BScFE, University of New Brunswick
BComm, University of Windsor
MBA, Dalhousie University

Richard Jones

Administrative Assistant
Ellen Arsenault

Director of Finance and Administration
Penny Ching

BSc, Linfield College
MA, Hope International University
Brandon Guindon

Academic Dean
BA, BA, Lincoln Christian College
MDiv, Lincoln Christian Seminary
Thomas Marshall

BA, Boise Bible College
MA, Biola University
MATS, Portland Seminary (Formerly George Fox Evangelical Seminary)
Justin McMurdie
BSc, Sam Houston State University
MEd, Prairie View A&M University
David Nelson
Director of Online Learning
BSc, University of Nebraska
MA, University of South Florida
PhD, Capella University

Jerry Scripture
Katie Stevenson

Director of Marketing
3DA, GD, Atlantica Centre for the Arts
BA, Maritime Christian College

BSc, California Polytechnic State University
MSc, Southern Utah University
Aaron Williams
